IMPORTANT UPDATE! Please be sure to refresh your screen before viewing this site. Please note that for the 2025 Commissioning Program, all applicants must submit final application materials on or before January 15, 2025
ALL APPLICATION MATERIALS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY. Please read the Commissioning Procedure for further information and specific application instructions.
- Read the program guidelines described in the Commissioning Procedure. Please note that late or incomplete proposals are unlikely to be funded.
- Complete the required application form. This form must be typed.
- Send an Application Email (on or before January 15, 2025) to Include the following items in this email:
- Subject line of the email should read: “Application for [Name of Composer].”
- In the body of the application email, please include a link to the composer’s website or other source for biographical information, if available. If no link is available, please attach information in the form of a résumé or other short biographical summary.
- Application Form. This form must be completed and typed. It should be attached to the email as a PDF file or as a Word file.
- Music scores. See Commissioning Procedure for music submission requirements. Submit each score as a PDF attachment to the application email. Each score must be clearly identified with last name of composer and title of composition and submitted as a separate attachment.
- Links to audio files. See Commissioning Procedure for instructions on the submission of audio files. Links to audio files must be included in the body of the application email.
- It is important that your email addresses remain current during the entire application and review process.
- Your application will not automatically be acknowledged. If you wish to confirm receipt of your application email, please contact
The Koussevitzky Music Foundation
Commissioning Procedure
The Serge Koussevitzky Music Foundation in the Library of Congress will consider applications from performing organizations from any country for the commissioning of composers of any nationality.
The performance period for works submitted under the January 15, 2025 deadline may begin with the 2025-2026 Concert Season (not before September 2025). Performances are not expected until two years following the completion of the commissioned work, however, so the period may extend through several future seasons.
Although there is no set date for the announcement of commissions, successful grant recipients typically are notified by August following the application deadline.
The Application Email should be sent on or before January 15, 2025 to:
This commissioning program is designed primarily for orchestras and chamber groups that have a record of excellence in the performance of contemporary music. Other types of ensembles with records of excellence in the performance of contemporary music may also be eligible; please inquire with the Foundation.
Commission fees for works for chamber groups range from $10,000 to $15,000. The Koussevitzky Foundation will fund the entire commission fee in the case of a work for a chamber group. The Foundation will fund up to $20,000 for a symphonic work, of which the submitting performing organization must provide at least 50% of the amount funded by the Foundation as a minimum matching grant. The performing organization may raise the matching funds from any source available, provided that the dedication to the foundation, which is required to appear on the score of each commissioned work, is placed in first position of all dedications or acknowledgments appearing on that score; the foundation must be credited in first position on all publicity and program listings, as well. The commissioned works will be performed by the sponsoring organizations. The composer’s original manuscript (or, if no manuscript exists, original computer score in hard copy) will be deposited with the Library of Congress as part of the Music Division’s permanent collection. We recommend that a copyright notice be placed on the submitted item.
A performing organization may propose only one composer for a joint commission each year. PLEASE NOTE: Beginning in 2010, the Foundation accepts applications only for composers who have received no more than one prior Koussevitzky Commission, provided that the prior commission was not awarded within the past ten rounds of the program. Please see the Recent Grants page of this web site for a list of commissions awarded during the last ten commission rounds. Please consult the Foundation if there are questions regarding a composer’s eligibility.
We accept applications for composers of any nationality. United States citizenship is not required for consideration, nor is the sponsoring performing organization required to be based in the United States.
Application Submission Instructions:
- Use the required application form available on this web site to apply for a commission. This form must be typed. Email the completed application form as an attachment to with the subject line: “Application for [Name of Composer].”
- If it is necessary to send multiple emails, please make sure that each message contains the composer’s name in the subject line.
- Please provide the following information on the Application Form AND in the body of the Application Email: composer’s name, mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address.
- Include biographical information about the composer. In the body of the Application Email, please include a link to the composer’s website or other source for biographical information, if available. If no link is available, please attach information in the form of a résumé or other short biographical summary.
- Please include a link to the performing organization’s website, if available. If no link is available, please attach information about the organization, including a listing of the performing organization’s appearances over the past two seasons.
- In addition to information provided on the Application Form, please include in the body of the Application Email information detailing the proposed instrumentation of the planned work and its anticipated duration. Further details concerning the work may be included, if such information is known.
- Please include a cover letter from the performing ensemble or submitting organization. This letter may be incorporated in the body of the Application Email or sent as a separate attachment, and should include:
- Brief description or outline of the proposed project, if this information is available. Please include information such as anticipated date and venue for the premiere, or list of expected soloists or collaborators, if known. The Foundation recognizes that at the time of application there may be few details available about the proposed work, beyond anticipated instrumentation and duration. There is no requirement for further information, and no expectation that these details will be available.
- Please include the performing organization’s firm commitment to present the premiere performance of the work in the organization’s regular concert series within two years after receiving the completed score.
- Submit scores of up to three recent representative works of the composer:
- Submit audio files of at least two of the scores submitted with the application. Submitted files must be of the same compositions as the scores included with the application:
- All audio files submitted must be operational and accessible to the review panel during the period from January 15, 2025 to April 30, 2025.
Incomplete applications are unlikely to be funded.
Rev. August 2024
Required Application Form
The application form for the Foundation’s Commissioning Program is available online in Word and PDF format:
Word – You can download this file and it should open as a word-processing document in either the Windows or Mac versions of Microsoft Word. This will allow you to complete the form in your word processor.
Portable Document Format – You can download the application to your computer as a PDF file where it can then be viewed and printed using Adobe’s free Acrobat Reader.
Note: If you have trouble downloading the Word or PDF files, Windows users try clicking on the link with the right mouse button and selecting “Download to disk”; Mac users try clicking on the link while holding down the “Control” key and selecting “Download to disk”.
If you need Acrobat Reader, download it here.